
Chest Sculpt 1

(Note: Always adjust the weight to fit your ability and never compromise form or range of motion for additional weight. Injuries do not equate to gains.)

Warm-up: Stretch out your chest for about a minute, then use light dumbbells to perform chest press on a bench for upwards of 20 reps. This will warm your chest up and get the blood flowing to the muscles.

  1. Superset - 6 sets
    1. Incline Barbell Chest Press - 12 reps, 12, 10, 10, 8, 8 (135lbs, 155, 185, 205, 205)
    2. Incline Dumbbell Flies - 10 reps (20lbs)
      1. Remember to keep form and control the movement from start to finish.
  2. Superset - 5 sets
    1. Seated Cable Flies - 12 reps, 12, 10, 10, 10 (20lbs, 22.5, 25, 27.5, 30)
      1. Use an adjustable bench and position in front of the dual cable machine such that your arms are pulled behind parallel with your chest. This will enable a full range of motion with resistance.
        1. Note the increasing weight as you progress through the sets.
    2. Flat Dumbbell Chest Press - 10 reps (75lbs, 75, 70, 70, 70)
      1. Note the decreasing weight as you progress through the sets.
  3. Dips - 4 sets to failure (bodyweight)
    1. Perform these with a wide grip and be sure to use a full range of motion and a slight tilt backward with your torso - this will place less emphasis on the triceps and more on the chest.
  4. Superset - 4 sets**
    1. Chest Fly Machine - 10 reps (100lbs, 110, 120, 120)
      1. **On the fourth set, perform reps to failure.
    2. Elevated Push-ups - 10 reps (bodyweight)
      1. Use dumbbells in a standing position for your hand placement and a bench to elevate your feet. This will enable your chest to get a full range of motion (lower than if you only went down to the ground with your chest).
      2. **On the fourth set, perform reps to failure.