The Gain Trust


9/28/2016 - Core

Note: This workout is usually performed at the end of another body part's session, but can be done on its own as a short, concentrated session. Core is an area that can be trained more frequently than other parts of the body, therefore, we recommend adding it to the end of at least two workouts during the week. 

  1. Superset - 5 sets
    1. Hanging Leg Raises - 20 reps
      1. Hanging from a pull-up bar, bring your legs up into an L-sit position in mid air, parallel to the ground, engaging your core. Slowly bring your legs back down toward the ground. Keep your legs as straight as possible during this exercise. After performing 3 sets, perform the last two sets by bringing your legs to the left and right of center (alternating) - thereby engaging the obliques.
    2. Decline Bench Sit-ups - 20 reps 
      1. Perform these in an explosive manner while using a full range of motion (all the way down and up)
  2. Superset - 5 sets
    1. Weighted Decline Bench Sit-ups - 10 reps (45lbs)
      1. Grabbing a barbell plate, start with the weight extended away from your chest, arms straight. Perform the first part of the sit-up and at the top bring the weight into your chest and rotate your torso from left to right in a slow and controlled manner 10 times. Extend the weight back in front of your body and release back down to the decline bench; that's one rep.
    2. Weighted Standing Oblique Crunch - 20 reps (45lbs, 55, 60, 65, 70)
      1. Perform 10 reps on each side. Use a full range of motion and control the tempo of the crunches.
  3. Plank - 1 set to failure